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No shady lobbying in the European institutions by Big Tech

As Big Tech’s market power grew, so did its political clout. Now, as the EU tries to rein in the most problematic aspects of Big Tech – from disinformation, targeted advertising to unfair competition practices – the digital giants are lobbying hard in an often opaque and misleading manner.  

We do not tolerate shady lobbying in the European institutions.

Have you ever witnessed or experienced shady lobbying, such as:

  • A lobbyist not disclosing their employer or client when contacting you;
  • Social media messages where it was unclear you were in touch with a lobbyist;
  • Online targeted advertisements on your personal social media to influence you;
  • A lobbyist claiming to be working for an SME umbrella organisation, but instead working for Big Tech?

Contact us anonymously and confidentially


Our contact form is end-to-end encrypted to protect your privacy.

Anything you share will be stripped of personal information or metadata to prevent it from being traced back to you in the best possible way.

To prevent any traces, we recommend not using your company phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.


Any information shared is handled confidentially.

Based on aggregated input received, we may create publications to report about trends, lobbying practices, worrying examples.

Unless your provide us with explicit consent to do so, we will never allow for your identification.


Any information shared will solely be processed by Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl, completely independent of European political institutions or industry.

This initiative is supported by Members of the largest political groups in the European Parliament.

Supported by Members of the European Parliament

Daniel Freund

Manon Aubry
(The Left)

René Repasi

Marie Toussaint

Michael Bloss

Irena Joveva
(Renew Europe)

Saskie Bricmont

LobbyLeaks is a joint initiative by Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl


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In particular, Article 17 of the Staff Regulations provides for a principle of confidentiality of information received in the line of duty. Staff members of the EU institutions/bodies are also reminded that there is a dedicated procedure for whistleblowing organised in particular at Article 22a, 22b and 22c of the Staff Regulations (and implementing provisions).

Unauthorised or irregular disclosure of information can lead to the opening of an administrative inquiry and the conduct of disciplinary proceedings by the institution/body.

Find the EU staff regulations here.

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We kindly draw the attention of the staff working for an EU institution/body (and retired staff) that they are bound by their duties in accordance with the Staff Regulations/Conditions of Employment of other servants.

In particular, Article 17 of the Staff Regulations provides for a principle of confidentiality of information received in the line of duty. Staff members of the EU institutions/bodies are also reminded that there is a dedicated procedure for whistleblowing organised in particular at Article 22a, 22b and 22c of the Staff Regulations (and implementing provisions).

Unauthorised or irregular disclosure of information can lead to the opening of an administrative inquiry and the conduct of disciplinary proceedings by the institution/body.

Find the EU staff regulations here.